, Jakarta – Walau kondisi perekonomian masih melambat akibat pandemi, kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) mampu senantiasa bertumbuh. Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Bank Pembangunan Daerah (Asbanda) Wimran Ismaun menuturkan, pertumbuhan tersebut bisa dilihat dari beberapa beberapa indikator yang berhasil dibukukan oleh BPD se-Indonesia.
Ia merincikan, per Agustus 2020 aset BPD telah mencapai Rp772,58 triliun, atau meningkat sebesar 10,46% dibandingkan posisi Agustus 2019 yang hanya bertengger di angka Rp699,43 triliun. Posisi kredit BPD mencapai Rp476,93 triliun atau meningkat sebesar 7,14% dibandingkan posisi Agustus 2019 yang ada dikisaran Rp445 triliun.
Selain itu, penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) pada Agustus 2020 juga meningkat sebesar 12,07% year-on-year. Tercatat, saat ini ada 3 BPD yang masuk dalam Buku I, sementara Buku II dan Buku III masing-masing sebanyak 20 dan 4 BPD.
“Namun posisi Desember ke depan, Insya Allah semua BPD sudah masuk ke dalam buku II sampai buku III,” ucap Wimran Ismaun dalam e-awarding Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 bertema “Business Acceleration Toward A Better and Continuous Regional Development” yang diselenggarakan oleh Warta Ekonomi secara online, Jumat (27/11).
Ia berharap, melalui penghargaan ini, BPD dapat semakin meningkatkan kinerja bisnisnya, lebih mengembangkan inovasi produk serta jasa, mengembangkan sinergi, serta integrasi bisnis agar dapat berkontribusi demi kemajuan pembangunan ekonomi di daerah masing-masing.
“Penghargaan ini juga dapat semakin meningkatkan kinerja terbaik dari masing-masing BPD dan dapat memacu semangat seluruh pegawai dan stakeholder,” tandasnya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Founder dan Presiden Komisaris Warta Ekonomi, Fadel Muhammad, mengatakan kalau BPD punya peranan yang sangat penting, mengingat keberadaannya berdekatan langsung dengan masyarakat.
“Sehingga kita perlu memberikan perhatian lebih kepada BPD. Saya bertugas di MPR sebagai wakil ketua, telah membicarakan hal ini dengan Menteri Keuangan agar ada fund khusus, ada dana khusus untuk membantu BPD,” pungkas Fadel. ‘
Untuk diketahui, dalam Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 ini, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan pendekatan desk research deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menilai kinerja keuangan perusahaan BUMN berdasarkan laporan tahunan atau laporan keuangan tahun 2019 yang dikeluarkan perusahaan.
Selain itu, tim peneliti Warta Ekonomi menggunakan metode media monitoring untuk menilai kebijakan strategis perusahaan dalam melakukan inovasi produk ataupun jasa, strategi bisnis, integrasi, ataupun ekspansi bisnis. Berikut daftar pemenangnya:
No |
Kategori/Title |
Financial Performance |
Innovative BPD Company for : |
Best Regional Bank Per Island: |
1 |
Bank Aceh Syariah |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Leading Program For Millenial And Micro Small Entrepreneurs |
2 |
Bank SUMUT |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
The First to Launch Land And Building Tax Payment Through Electronic Payment For Customer Convenience |
3 |
Bank Riau Kepri |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Ease Of Bill Payment And Successing The Non-Cash Transaction Program |
4 |
Bank Nagari |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Utilizing Digital Technology In Banking Services For Ease of Transaction |
5 |
Bank Jambi |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Increasing Technology Use For Ease of Service And Transaction Security |
6 |
Bank Bengkulu |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Sustainable Program of Community Development and Entrepreneurship and Developing Transformation Of Digital Technology |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 in Sumatera Island |
7 |
Bank Sumselbabel |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Advancing Financial Inclusion Through QRIS Implementation And Supporting The Students Saving Programs |
8 |
Bank Lampung |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
9 |
Bank Jabar Banten |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Encouraging The Acceleration of Non-Cash Transaction and Strenghten Synergies Through Digital Technology |
10 |
Bank DKI |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Product Marketing Through Digital Banking and Payment Integration for Public Transportation |
11 |
Bank Jateng |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Optimizing Financial Digitization and Accelerating Service Access Through Socialization of CMS |
12 |
Bank BPD DIY |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Banking Convenience Business Strategy for Economic Recovery During Pandemic |
13 |
Bank Jatim |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Increasing Digital Integrated Payment System for Non-Cash Transaction and Developing Business Solution Through Regional Economic Empowerment Credit |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 in Java Island |
14 |
Bank Kalbar |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Financial Services for Millennials and Utilizing Bank Revenues for Regional Development |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 in Kalimantan Island |
15 |
Bank Kalsel |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Maximizing Non-Cash Transaction Through Financial Technology and Developing Digital Infrastructure |
16 |
Bankaltimtara |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Expanding Payment Option Through Digital Services To Increase The Use Of Non-Cash Transactions and Maximizing Potential Local Revenues |
17 |
Bank Kalteng |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
18 |
Bank BPD Bali |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Increasing Access to Banking Products And Services Through Financial Inclusion For Boosting The Economic Society |
19 |
Bank NTB Syariah |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Improving Literacy Rating and National Syaria Financial Inclusion Through Digital Services |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 in Bali-Nusa Tenggara Island |
20 |
Bank NTT |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Building Potential Through Financial Literacy Programs for Millenials And Developing Ease Of Services for Community |
21 |
Bank Sulselbar |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Digital Acceleration Business Strategy for Regional Bank and Digitizatioin of Tourism Services |
The Best Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 in Sulawesi-Papua Island |
22 |
Bank SulutGo |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Improving Banking Services in Various Sectors to Facilitate Customer Transactions |
23 |
Bank Sulteng |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Banking Collaboration For Supporting The Economic Recovery Program During a Pandemic |
24 |
Bank Sultra |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Developing Connected Digital Platform Services To Marketplace |
25 |
Bank MalukuMalut |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
26 |
Bank Papua |
Excellent Financial Performance of Indonesia Best BPD Award 2020 |
Presenting Collaboration to Encourage The Ease of Banking For Supporting Non-Cash Transaction |